dots in a grid
a light green circleVZ letters

Hi, I’m Victor. Web Designer and Webflow Developer

I specialize in designing and building stunning websites tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses worldwide. If you're in search of a modern and robust website, don't hesitate to reach out. Let's initiate a conversation and start working together.

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Picture of Victor Zohni's Face


I design beautiful and powerful websites for modern businesses. Any business today needs a website that wins customers’ trust and helps you do your business well. I make sure your website is up to that standard.


I build websites in Webflow where I can create responsive, powerful and fully custom websites. Plus, Webflow has an incredibly simple Content Editor for you and your team to edit website content quickly and easily.

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Joshua Lawrence

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Academic portfolio site for literature and teaching professional Joshua Lawrence. Features a robust CMS library featuring blog posts and academic publications. Fully designed and developed by myself with Josh's input. I wanted the site to be similar to looking at a textbook. Professional, clean with a pop of color.

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Delta Capture

Single Page
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Designed and Developed a clean single page site for Delta Capture with a quick turnaround. Aesthetic was based around a natural evolving environment, with slow reveals.

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Reading Ways

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Redesigned and developed the homepage for Reading Ways, a consultancy service for middle and high schools. Sites like this contain a lot of text, so I manage to space it out accordingly to ensure optimal readability site wide.

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Nova's Junction Revue

Web Development
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Designed and developed a website for Michael Novalski featuring his services and skillset for musicians & artists in Toronto, Canada. Worked with Michael from the ground up creating a classy, minimalist design. Hoping to see many artists benefit from a talented fellow!

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Finch Care

Existing Desgn
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Adapted the design from Finch Care from Figma to Webflow. Created a Homepage, Blog page, Blog Page - post and Article page. All pages are responsive for Desktop, Tablet and Mobile devices. Also implemented custom css and JavsScript to adapt the unique design. Super colourful and fun to work on! Official site launch TBA.

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Blessed Yet Dressed

Web Design
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This is a cutting edge, modern looking website with a more unconventional web design. Utilized color, shapes and images to really put an emphasis on the art of fashion.

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Mays & Myers website

Website Design
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Full website design and build for a concept lawyer firm. With webflow I was able to easily create a simple, professional site to advertise legal services.

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